Pastoral Care and Counseling
Pastoral Care & Counseling
Throughout God's story, we see that hurt, pain, brokenness, and sin have been part of the human experience after Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. We also believe that pastoral care and/or professional counseling can be a helpful way for us to process through the effects of sin and pain in our lives.
We believe Jesus came to undo all the effects of Adam and Eve's choice. He came to redeem and restore "all things" (Colossians 1:18–20). Jesus' work of redemption is full and complete and has far-reaching implications for every human being. Therefore when others express a need for counseling, we affirm the truth that the gospel addresses every challenge they are facing.
The only question that remains is, "What is the best context for a person to be immersed in a gospel perspective that will help address his or her challenges?" We believe that God has designed the church body in such a way that the needs of people can be met by the body. We believe that a life filled with the Holy Spirit, actively involved in a local church, and participating in small groups, coupled with pastoral care & counseling is the way to healing from life's hurts.
However, we understand that there are some problems and circumstances that require more intentional care and shepherding. For these instances, we may be able to offer one-on-one pastoral care and counseling.

for adults and teens
If you are struggling with grief, sadness, or just want to grow spiritually.

for pre-marital and marriage
Couples desiring premarital counseling or just want to strengthen their marriage.

for immediate or extended family
Help you and your family work through specific issues, parenting, and past concerns.
Request an appointment
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 32:8
Anyone desiring pastoral care and counseling should complete the form below. This form will be used to help us determine if Amen Always Church Pastoral Care & Counseling is the best fit for you to obtain help, and how we can best help you. If we determine for any reason that we are not the right fit for you then we will refer you to another counseling center.
Please know that we value your privacy. This form is confidential and will only be seen by the elders and the pastoral care provider who will be seeing you.
Please be as detailed as possible. If your situation is urgent please contact your Small Group leader and/or pastor directly. If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911.
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please reach out for help. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
We provide these forms so you may fill them out before your first visit. You may fill out the PDFs electronically and you may complete the ONLINE forms to submit online. Couples seeking counseling must each fill out the forms.
To Be Completed BEFORE Your First Appointment:
Pastoral Counseling Intake Form (pdf)
Pastoral Counseling Intake Form (online form)
Consent to Pastoral Counseling (pdf)
Consent to Pastoral Counseling (online)
For Counselee or Parent's Review:
COVID-19 and Pastoral Counseling
Financial Agreement (nonmembers)
Hours of Operation
Office Hours (subject to change)
Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm
Friday - 9am-12pm
Luke 5 Recovery
Luke 5 Recovery is a small group for people dealing with alcohol and drug abuse and related issues. Click here to learn more.
Teen Substance Abuse Counseling
Prodigal Kids
Prodigal Kids is a nonprofit, private agency that provides behavioral health services to children, adolescents, and their families. We provide a range of services to meet your child's needs, including Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug (ATOD) Prevention, Substance Use and Abuse Intervention, Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), Mental Health Counseling, Community Outreach, and Health and Wellness.
Prodigal Kids serves children and adolescents in elementary, middle, and high school. We also provide parent education and resources to families.